Photo of Rocio La Vega Argentina

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STUDIES. Lujan Art School: Year 1993 - Title: "Master in Visual Arts." 1995 - Title: "Teacher in Visual Arts - Specialty Painting." 2003 - Title: Senior Lecturer in Visual Arts - Specialty Painting. "

AWARDS: Year 1995 - 3 rd Prize in the Regional Painting...

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Photo of Rocio La Vega Argentina

STUDIES. Lujan Art School: Year 1993 - Title: "Master in Visual Arts." 1995 - Title: "Teacher in Visual Arts - Specialty Painting." 2003 - Title: Senior Lecturer in Visual Arts - Specialty Painting. "

AWARDS: Year 1995 - 3 rd Prize in the Regional Painting Exhibition of Women (Mercedes - Buenos Aires). 1997 - Mention Local Artist Show at the IX Tango (Luján - Buenos Aires). 1998 - 5 th Prize in Zonal XLIX Arts Hall (Luján - Buenos Aires).

Arial "> EXHIBITIONS. Year 1996 -" Oils "- Showroom Credicoop Bank (Luján - Buenos Aires). Year 2004 -" Before and After "- The Dionne (Luján - Buenos Aires). Year 2006 -" Cartoons "- Library Cultural Ameghino (Luján - Buenos Aires). Year 2009 -" Coffee Talks "Museum of Fine Arts of Luján.

EXHIBITIONS. Year 1994 - Annual Show Lujanense Association of Plastic Artists (Luján - Buenos Aires). 1995 - Regional Painting Exhibition of Women (Mercedes - Buenos Aires). 1995 - Annual Show Lujanense Association of Plastic Artists (Luján - Buenos Aires). Year 1995 - Exhibition of Teachers and Students of the School of Art (Luján - Buenos Aires). Year 1996 - Annual Show Lujanense Association of Plastic Artists (Luján - Buenos Aires). 1996 - Show "25th Anniversary of Middle School No. 2 - July Steverlynck (Villa Flandria - Buenos Aires). Year 1996 - Tango Show VIII (Luján - Buenos Aires). 1997 - Tango Show IX (Luján - Buenos Aires). 1998 - Sixth Regional Painting Exhibition "Luis H. Napoli (Capitán Sarmiento - Buenos Aires). 1998 - XLIX Zonal Hall of Art (Luján - Buenos Aires). 1998 - X Salon del Tango (Luján - Buenos Aires). 1998 - Arts Salon VII "Luis Gualchi" (Luján - Buenos Aires). 1999 - Cultural Centre "Maria Barreda (Luján - Buenos Aires). 2000 - Tango Show XII (Luján - Buenos Aires). 2003 - Display Faculty of Visual Arts (Luján - Buenos Aires). 2005 - Exhibition of the University of Luján (Luján - Buenos Aires).

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